The most important part of Sight-Based Instruction
is you.
Unlike linear video programs or uninspiring print
programs that supplant your role as a classroom teacher,
Sight-Based Instruction supports you all the
way. Now you can say NO to surrendering your class
to the typical instructional program where the medium
is more important than the messenger (or even the
message). With Sight-Based Instruction, your involvement
is critically important because you are the active
deliverer of the content. You set the tone and pace
for each lesson and we give you tools to do just that.
Each lesson is organized with refreshing clarity,
absent the many confusing options found in other programs.
Sight-Based lessons feature carefully selected video
segments, organized into manageable, learnable chunks.
This video is stored on DVD, accessed by the click
of a menu button, and supported by very straightforward
printed lesson plans.
In each
